Monthly Archives: December 2012

The antidote to rampant capitalism?

The antidote to rampant capitalism? 33⅓ revolutions per minute | John Harris

Facebook & Tax

Facebook paid £2.9m tax on £840m profits made outside US, figures show

Why didn’t SIS declare war on Murdoch’s spy organisation?

Now, pay attention, 007. There is a conspiracy against Britain | Andrew Rawnsley

Bank rate-fixing scandals reveal the rotten heart of capitalism

Bank rate-fixing scandals reveal the rotten heart of capitalism | Will Hutton

Man cleared of racial abuse after using nigger ‘as term of endearment’

The use of the word ‘nigger’ is entirely inappropriate in any context. For historical reasons the white man has lost the right to use this word in any context whatsoever. The verdict is an insult.

UK threatened by giant octopus!


Snoopers Charter Report Summary

End these tax scams

Britain could end these tax scams by hitting the big four | Polly Toynbee

Break the grip of corporate power to secure our future

Break the grip of corporate power to secure our future | George Monbiot

Where does corruption hang out?


No.2 in a series

Shami Chakrabarti is right about Leveson

Liberty, Leveson and the culture, practice and ethics of the press | Liberty – protecting civil liberties, promoting human rights.